The Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Anthology Vol III 2013


Poetry lovers – those who enjoy reading it and those who are compelled to write it – will find in this collection a truly splendid experience of the country’s soul. So much of the ineffable human spirit and experience that usually remains untold is gently lifted above the surface with care, attention and honesty. Here,…

SKU: 11642


Poetry lovers – those who enjoy reading it and those who are compelled to write it – will find in this collection a truly splendid experience of the country’s soul. So much of the ineffable human spirit and experience that usually remains untold is gently lifted above the surface with care, attention and honesty. Here, for the reader who must yet write of his or her own intimate recovery and sacred journey, are guideposts on the way. Here, for those who are already on the journey, are good and wise and funny journeymen and women to keep them company on the road.